Our Mission Matters
Learn about us and how we empower the native paradigm, people and land
Our Mission
Native Journey was created with the mission of empowering native indigenous cultures, territories and communities through activities that strengthen and help protect their lands, their culture, their wisdom and their spiritual legacy. We want to present native spirituality as an alternative for spiritual self-development; at the same time provide opportunities for people abroad to fully experience and comprehend indigenous spirituality, culture, and the undetachable natural treasures that are found where natives exist.
Native Journey responds to the new era of opening and sharing that many indigenous cultures are experimenting today. It becomes a tool through which native wise men, spiritual leaders and communities can begin teaching the world the wisdom that can guide everyone to a better tomorrow.
Native Journey seeks to create a new essence of travel, of teaching and of spiritual sharing and community building, one that integrates discovery, healing, deep connection with wilderness and the holistic empowering of the visitor and the visited.
Native Journey is involved with many indigenous organisations and seeks to channel support to them in their activities of self-determination and the defence of their territories and the environment. Please visit our support page to learn how you can directly support these indigenous organisations.

Building the bride between you and native ancient spirituality & wisdom
Our Land
Native Journey was created with the mission of empowering native indigenous cultures, territories and communities through activities that strengthen and help protect their lands, their culture, their wisdom and their spiritual legacy. We want to present native spirituality as an alternative for spiritual self-development; at the same time provide opportunities for people abroad to fully experience and comprehend indigenous spirituality, culture, and the undetachable natural treasures that are found where natives exist.
Native Journey responds to the new era of opening and sharing that many indigenous cultures are experimenting today. It becomes a tool through which native wise men, spiritual leaders and communities can begin teaching the world the wisdom that can guide everyone to a better tomorrow.
Native Journey seeks to create a new essence of travel, of teaching and of spiritual sharing and community building, one that integrates discovery, healing, deep connection with wilderness and the holistic empowering of the visitor and the visited.
Native Journey is involved with many indigenous organisations and seeks to channel support to them in their activities of self-determination and the defence of their territories and the environment. Please visit our support page to learn how you can directly support these indigenous organisations.

Land of Full Maturity
Meet our dedicated team
Native Journey is a gathering of Shamans, Healers, Artists, Investigators, Writers, Philosophers, Community Leaders and Communities in Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Chile.
We are an ever-expanding web of integrations and support. Here are some of our currently most active team members.

Julian Katari
Intercultural guide, writer, artist, healer, creator and main coordinator of Native Journey

Mayra García
Logistics, communications and shamanic dreaming

Carlos Quete
Tacana native guide from the bolivian amazon

Mario Vargas
Kallawaya medicine man

Sabrina Peñaranda
Historian, intercultural guide and medicine woman

Sergio Durán
Archaeologist, guide and community tourism coordinator

Estanislao Coffeen
Chef, masseuse and permaculture investigator
Our Partners
We support and are supported by these organizations

National Indigenous Congress (of Mexico)
Coordinator for the Defense of the Amazon
Bolivian Society of Traditional Medicine
New Fire Educational Organization
Aztec Dance Group of General Ernesto Ortiz Ramirez of the Great Tenochtitlan
Dam Peoples Amazon
Senda Verde Wildlife Sanctuary
indigenous justice tribunal jioc
candelaria madidi ecologico
We, the native people gathered by native journey, desire to reach out to everyone in the world, open our minds, our hearts and our homes to anyone that wishes to visit us and learn from us in a respectful and reciprocal way. We seek to receive visitors in the way we believe they should be received, treating them to our best ways, offering our best foods, accommodations, and offering them the opportunity to transform their body, mind and spirit.
We want to remind our visitors about how we perceive the reality of the world today. We believe the world has been taken over a dark energy that has created spiritual, cultural, political, social, and economic institutions that are guiding humanity to a path of destruction and death. We understand everyone is involuntarily part, to a certain extent, of this project. We natives have a different project for humanity, but we have been invaded and continue to be invaded, and still suffer many forms of discrimination, racism and the denial of our wisdom and science.
We understand that you, the visitor, as well as us to a lesser extent, live in a system where we are forced to participate in the project of destruction of the earth and of cultural diversity. We ask you to be ready to free your mind from what may be destructive attitudes that inevitably are adopted while living in modern cities. We invite you to open your mind and your heart to understand there is another way of living, of thinking and of being.
We must veil for our cultural and spiritual integrity as people, so through Native Journey we want to make sure that our visitors are aware, prepared and open to perceive a different way of life. You are the visitor, and it must be you that is seeking to learn from us. To make sure that our families are happy with your visit, we ask you to follow the following code of conduct:
Understand we are equals. Our cultures may be different, but we have the same human rights.
Respect our people and all living things. Absolutely everyone deserves the same respect.
Accept everything we offer you, we offer you our best. Denying anything offered is a big offence.
Respect our ways. We have different reasoning for everything we do.
Respect the situation. We ask you to have a positive attitude and be helpful.
Do what we do. Do everything we ask you to, you’re the one visiting our world.
Leave your best. We give the best we have, and we expect you to do the same.
Respect our soul. To many of us, taking a picture is taking a piece of our souls. If you ask nicely, we may want to give it, or exchange it for something, but don’t ever take it without asking.